What is she?

What is she?

What is she?
A poem to an elfkind

Her ways are eyrie,
Like the splendor of royalty.
Her mind is eerie,
But casts curiosity rather than fright.
She has such comeliness;
one the Creator made without frugality.
He lavished her with more than meets the eyes.
So much pulchritude, that it doesn't make much sense
But for once, good comes out of something made in excess.

Unless He was making a human and more.
"cast not your worship to anything else" He said,
And yet made a person we can't help adore.
One could try not give a tinker's damn.
Until he sees her, and his mind is caught in a jam
Blood flowing to his heart is stopped by a bar.
A bar we should call an Eltrika Dam.

Perhaps she's not human,
Ears look like she came from Alfheim,
Eyes typical of those made for one in a higher realm.
It'd be fair to to say, then; "many days after creation, God made the first Elfe."

If I believed in fairytales, I'd say she's an Elfe.
Or an angel sent down to earth.
But, what would one like that be doing amongst men?
Were I God, I'd be selfish, and never let her leave the eyries.
If she's meant to be our temptation.
Like the tree of knowledge, and Adam and Eve,
Many men, without the serpent, will joyfully give in.

What is she?
I keep pondering.
Why am I so concerned?
I don't know.
It however does seem this comely one
has become the star performer of a muse show.


A few of the things I find unique about you. You're weird, and at first I found you scary. Honestly, I did. Not the kind of fear caused by paranormal things, though. Luckily for you, I don't believe in spirits roaming the earth, else I'd have thought you were one. Maybe they do, I just don't put my thought to it. Meanwhile, I still have no idea why you sent pictures of your sister, saying they were yours, and you had already finished school... Don't know if you remember. 😂😂😂 But I told myself I wasn't in for your drama. So, I decided to end the chat there and then... Why I came back? I can't remember, but I'm guessing it was curiosity.

Then, the story of your imaginary friend (Mr Frodo, or what was it you called him again?), toad pet, and so on. I was just wondering what goes on in that mind of yours. At a point, I thought you were depressed. Until eventually, your complexity surfaced.

I have been called a mystery myself. Oftentimes, I appear to be so because I don't really want to be known. It felt good whenever people misunderstood me. All because I thought when people know you, they try to make you their instrument. When they realise what you can do, and that you enjoy doing these things, they start asking you for favours, and care less if you burn out. People like to use other people to achieve their goals. And if one doesn't know how to ask for things in return, they become like a slave.

That's me, and I thought all you wanted was cloud yourself, and chase me away... I was willing to go, but I just wanted one more thing before I left. I wanted to understand you. On trying to understand, I found a muse. Let's just say the topic became an all-round motivation.

I've enjoyed every moments. Honestly. Some have been boring, others annoying, but I've enjoyed them all. So, becoming fond of you was a good idea.

Anyway, this is about you.